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Head and Neck Medical Oncology Program

The UCSF Head and Neck Medical Oncology Program 为头颈癌患者提供十大赌博平台排行榜一流的全面护理. 我们每年评估和治疗600多名患者. Our expertise covers the full range of treatments, 从传统的化疗和放疗到尖端疗法, such as targeted therapies, 哪种攻击癌细胞而不伤害健康细胞, and immunotherapies, 哪一种药物能调动病人的免疫系统来对抗癌症.

To determine the best treatment for an individual, 我们的十大赌博平台排行榜与相关专业的同事密切合作, including radiation oncology, otolaryngology – head and neck surgery, endocrinology, dental oncology and nutrition therapy. 与不同类型的专家合作对于给患者最好的治疗效果至关重要, 对癌症预后和长期生活质量的影响.

我们还致力于通过医学研究开发新的、更好的头颈癌治疗方法. 感兴趣的患者可能有机会参加临床试验, a study of a promising experimental therapy. For information, visit UCSF's clinical trials website.

Learn more about clinical trials and how they work.

Our locations

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    Decorative Caduceus


    对于没有肿瘤复发或死亡的患者,DFS将被审查 date of last disease assessment.


    Decorative Caduceus


    瘤内CD3+ t细胞将通过免疫组织化学在术前和 post-treatment tumor specimens. 主要结果的分析人群为 所有接受至少2周新辅助治疗的患者...


    Decorative Caduceus


    将评估治疗紧急不良事件(teae)的频率和严重程度 according to the NCI-CTCAE version 5.0 and number of participants with Dose Limiting 将评估毒性以确定安全性和耐受性...


    Decorative Caduceus

    transon TLR7/8激动剂联合或不联合派姆单抗治疗晚期或M...

    治疗紧急事件和治疗相关不良事件(CTCAE v5评估).0), serious 不良事件(sae),导致治疗中断的不良事件,死亡


    Decorative Caduceus

    Selpercatinib (LOXO-292)在晚期实体肿瘤RET融合位患者中的应用研究...

    前28天剂量限制性毒性(dlt)的发生率和类别 cycle of LOXO-292 (selpercatinib) treatment


    Decorative Caduceus


    发生3级或4级不良事件的患者比例根据 NCI不良事件通用术语标准(CTCAE)版本5.0 will be 报告具有精确的二项95%置信区间. Sa...


    Decorative Caduceus

    佩匹耐单抗联合派姆单抗治疗复发或转移性鳞状细胞癌 ...

    TEAE被定义为不良事件(ae),在首次给药日期后发生,或 在IMP开始之前就有医疗状况,但严重程度有所增加或 relationship after date-time of first dose of IMP.


    Awards & recognition

    • One of the nation's best for ear, nose & throat care

    • 《美国新闻与十大赌博平台排行榜报道》徽章,表彰加州大学旧金山分校成为其2024-2025年荣誉榜的一部分

      Among the top hospitals in the nation

    • Best in Northern California and No. 7 in the nation for cancer care

    Support services

    Support Group

    Art for Recovery

    创造力可以帮助患有严重疾病的人应对、治愈和表达他们正在经历的事情. Find out about our program and how to join.


    Cancer Exercise Counseling

    Our one-on-one exercise training sessions, customized for your needs and abilities, 能补充其他癌症治疗并加速你的康复吗.

    Patient Resource

    Cancer Nutrition Counseling

    加州大学旧金山分校健康中心为癌症患者提供免费营养咨询, 以及对所有人开放的营养研讨会. Learn more.


    Core & More Class for Cancer Patients

    一个强壮的身体可以帮助你对抗癌症,享受生活. 加入这个课程来稳定你的核心,加强你的肌肉和提高整体健康. For cancer patients and caregivers!

    Patient Resource

    Friend to Friend Specialty Shops

    A one-stop boutique for patients with cancer. 在假发、假体、防晒服、化妆品、皮肤护理等方面寻求专业帮助.


    Meditation & Guided Imagery for Cancer Patients

    参加一个免费的课程,旨在帮助你在治疗过程中恢复、放松和找到平衡. UCSF and non-UCSF patients are welcome.

    Patient Resource

    Oncology Social Work

    社会工作者提供支持,解决问题,帮助访问加州大学旧金山分校癌症相关资源等等. 了解如何与诊所的社工联系.

    Patient Resource

    Patient & Family Cancer Support Center

    The center offers wellness programming, community, support groups, classes, 为癌症患者和他们的亲人提供免费的研讨会和其他活动.

    Support Group

    Peer Support Programs for Cancer

    根据诊断等标准,患者与同伴支持志愿者相匹配, cancer stage, age or gender. Speak to someone who's "been there."

    Preparing for your appointment

    What to Bring

    • Photo I.D.
    • Health insurance card
    • Insurance authorization, if required
    • Doctor's referral, if required
    • Recent test results related to your condition
    • 你的药物清单,包括剂量,还有你过敏的药物
    • List of questions you may have
    • Device or paper for taking notes

    International Services

    如果你住在美国以外,来加州大学旧金山分校接受治疗, 我们的病人联络人可以帮助协调您就诊的各个方面.

    Learn more

    Interpreting Services

    UCSF offers interpreters in various languages, including American Sign Language (ASL), as well as services for deaf, hard-of-hearing and visually impaired patients.

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    Hospital Stays


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    Your Doctor Visit


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    Related clinics

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    1825 Fourth St., Fifth Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94158


    Bakar Precision Cancer Medicine Building

    1825 Fourth St.
    San Francisco, CA 94158

    Cancer Symptom Management

    Bakar Precision Cancer Medicine Building

    1825 Fourth St.
    San Francisco, CA 94158

    Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic

    2320 Sutter St., Suite 102
    San Francisco, CA 94115

    Oral Oncology

    Bakar Precision Cancer Medicine Building

    1825 Fourth St., Fifth Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94115

    Otology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery

    2380 Sutter St., Third Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94115


    Bakar Precision Cancer Medicine Building

    1825 Fourth St.
    San Francisco, CA 94158

    Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Clinic

    Bakar Precision Cancer Medicine Building

    1825 Fourth St., Fifth Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94158

    UCSF-John Muir Health Cancer Center in Berkeley

    Berkeley Outpatient Center

    3100 San Pablo Ave., Suite 280
    Berkeley, CA 94702

    Can't find what you're looking for?

    UCSF Help Center

    (888) 689-8273
